Monday, July 26, 2010

Assignment Extension

Given that we are not where anticipated with regard to content at this point the assignment is hereby extended until Wednesday, July 26 at 1:59 pm.

Over the next 2.25 days please read your classmates posts carefully and provide feedback that relates back to the articles, or the content of the law or your experiences you might draw upon.



  1. I hope that's supposed to read Wednesday, July 28.

  2. I like the picture on your profile. I have one very similar with my mother but I was about 10 at the time.

  3. Can someone tell me how to become a contributer to the blog rather than a commentor?

  4. To be a contributor you have to respond to the email that Dave sent that was an "invitation". When you finish that process you will be a "contributor". If you deleted that email you will have to have him resend it.
