Saturday, July 10, 2010

Yuuyaraq Reading

The Harold Napoleon book can be found at the website:

My hope is that you will learn and understand this through two ways besides just reading the information:
1. Try to find ways that the journey of Harold and the people he describes might relate to your own life experiences. The more you are able to do this I thing the richer the understanding you will have of the events that shape Alaska Native culture.
2. When writing the essay, please try to reflect upon how the reading has changed your perspective regarding Alaska Native people and Western people.....don't just think abstractly about a "culture". When you write think about a real person. Perhaps you picture Alaska Native people in the context of a community dance in a small village, a fish camp, an Anchorage attorney or a group of drunk individuals staggering along 2nd street in Fairbanks. A western person might be a business person in Alaska, a politician, a social worker, a hunter or even individuals from history - realize they were all probably, in their worldview and at their time, doing what they thought was best and most right.

1 comment:

  1. Can you make us authors for the blog as well?

    Here is a great link for Alaska school districts.

    Notice it is part of the State website which has a wealth of information on it. My googlefu is strong.
